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Domestic Violence Outreach

 Westside Catholic Churches Domestic Violence Outreach

Our mission is to offer spiritual and emotional support to victims of domestic violence by educating our communities and providing individual and group
If you need help, call the Westside Hotline @ Catholic Charities Parish Line: (312) 655 – 7106 …
to schedule an appointment with a professional counselor or speak with a Westside Domestic Violence outreach worker member. “You are loved !“
In an emergency, dial 911 or call The National Domestic Violence 24- Hour Hotline at 800-799-7233.

Westside Domestic Violence Outreach:
Domestic Violence is learned behavior and is a manifestation of the abuser’s need to achieve and maintain power and control over the victim. It is a pattern of behavior: Abusive behavior is learned and reinforced. Abuse can be physical, verbal, and/or sexual. Domestic violence is not caused by:

– Illness – Genetics or biology – Out-of-control behavior
– Anger – Stress – Children DOMESTIC ABUSE ! NO EXCUSE !

Westside Catholic Domestic Violence Education/Outreach

Sponsored by:
Our Lady of Sorrows (773) 582-2266
St. Malachy + Precious Blood (312) 733-1068
St. Agatha (773) 522-3050
St. Martin de Porres (773) 287-0206
Supporting these parish communities above Catholic Charities Parish Line:
(312) 655 – 7106 EVERYONE affected is ENCOURAGED and WELCOME to reach out!

Prayer on Behalf of Families Experiencing Abuse:

May the One who blessed our ancestors Sarah, Rebecca, Leah and Rachel, and Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, provide protection, compassion, care and healing for all those who have known violence and abuse within their families. May those who have been harmed find pathways to understanding and wholeness and those who have caused harm find their way to repentance and peace. May our community be a source of support for those who have suffered in silence or shame. May those whose homes have become places of danger find their way to a shelter of safety. We ask this through Christ, our Shelter and Peace! AMEN.